One World Centre are collaborating with Oxfam as part of their EU-funded 'Teach Climate Justice' project. If you're a teacher in Scotland, you can join us for FREE.

Young people have spoken! They have told educators and policy makers that they want to learn more about climate change and climate justice.

The Teach Climate Justice project provides FREE professional learning for teachers in Scotland, to help better equip them with the understanding, skills and confidence to help meet this demand from children and young people.

The session is filled with practical ideas and suggestions for every level, across all subject areas and with a focus on developing your own understanding as an educator.

The session is designed to help you as an educator, to:

  • explore ‘climate justice’ with your learners
  • consider a wide range of perspectives and experiences
  • support learners with ‘eco anxiety’
  • make connections to Scottish education policy and context
  • find resources, activities and further professional learning opportunities
  • share practice and connect with colleagues

Choose the date that suits you and REGISTER for FREE below

Please note: we are running the same session on 2 separate occasions, so please only register once

This project is funded by the European Union

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